I'm staying entertained with my new Pilates ball, and random new artists I've stumbled upon:
:+: Simian Mobile Disco
:+: KillHannah
:+: Dangerous Muse
And I'm still butthurt that the Wu Tang concert sold out before I could get tickets [I told you I'm all over the board, musically speaking].
It snowed last week (What? In Virginia??), and I lucked out on a halfass work week while I had a cold. Other than that, I feel like a bag of bricks because I have wicked cramps (yeah, fuck off) so I'm going to continue being L-A-Z-Y for the entirety of today.
Ok, and I have to share this morsel because for some reason last night, it made me laugh so hard that I cried. I seriously got the giggles. I mean like the you-just-got-completely-retardedly-stoned-and-couldn't-stop giggles [I, of course, do not do drugs]. Husband and I are sitting on the couch watching the magnificent History channel. All is serene. Out of nowhere, the cat FLIES out of his litter box with such force that the lid goes sailing across the room. Ok I'm giggling again just typing this, it was one of those "You had to be there" things I bet... but god damn, that cat TORE through the living room at lightning speed and hid under the couch for a good 30 minutes. If only every shit could be that good.
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