
Baby Face Thomas and her lack of work ethic

Truth be told, the Air Force has helped me to transcend into the "adult world." Without it, I'd still be loafing off my mom and blowing all my money on cigarettes and Boone's Farm. But there is one major area that I have yet to grasp: the ability to put my job before myself. I mean, in a way, yes I have. I am in the military, of course. So I've given up some of my personal freedoms. But I cannot...CANNOT... happily spend an extra hour at work, or get called in on a day off without bitching.

So, at what age do you just give in and say, "Screw my life. Work comes first."?

All I know about being my age so far is that, according to Mark Hoppus, "Nobody likes you when you're 23," and the older I get, the more people ask "When are you gonna have kids?" And the obligatory, "You know, it's all downhill from here."

I don't feel 23. I don't feel old. My coworkers are constantly giving me shit about looking so young. Who's gonna argue with that? Please. Let's hope the good genes continue to do their youthful magic. But seriously, one of my coworkers stood up today and announced to the crew that "Stephanie's 19th birthday was Monday!" (My 23rd birthday was Monday)

I should apply for a job working for MSNBC's 'To Catch a Predator.' I would rock at that job.

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