
A conversation with Ma.

Sweet Az Candey (1:39:35 PM): it's crappy music day!
Sweet Az Candey (1:39:46 PM): let's see my options
Sweet Az Candey (1:39:48 PM): tide is high
larzd99 (1:39:52 PM): Duran Duran??
larzd99 (1:39:54 PM): hehe
Sweet Az Candey (1:40:07 PM): lifehouse
Sweet Az Candey (1:40:10 PM): barf
Sweet Az Candey (1:40:21 PM): twistin the night away
larzd99 (1:40:27 PM): hey that's a good song
Sweet Az Candey (1:40:28 PM): rock the boat
larzd99 (1:40:32 PM): that is too!
Sweet Az Candey (1:40:37 PM): diamonds & pearls
Sweet Az Candey (1:40:44 PM): maniac
larzd99 (1:40:53 PM): ?? don't recognize that one. Maniac? ickkkkk
Sweet Az Candey (1:41:02 PM): diamonds & pearls is prince
larzd99 (1:41:08 PM): iiiiiccccckkkkk
Sweet Az Candey (1:41:09 PM): oh here's one they play on every vietnam era movie
Sweet Az Candey (1:41:17 PM): long cool woman in a black dress
larzd99 (1:41:30 PM): classic - THe Hollies - they rock
Sweet Az Candey (1:43:08 PM): yeah I left it there
Sweet Az Candey (1:43:14 PM): ok here's one of my fruit pet peeves...
Sweet Az Candey (1:43:28 PM): we got 3 beautiful bright oranges, they were super juicy when I cut them up
Sweet Az Candey (1:43:31 PM): and they taste like ASS
larzd99 (1:43:51 PM): nice. they probably came from Guatamala or something
Sweet Az Candey (1:43:55 PM): they're sunkist
Sweet Az Candey (1:43:59 PM): and they taste like stomach bile
Sweet Az Candey (1:44:05 PM): so we're gonna have to pick them out of the salad
larzd99 (1:44:05 PM): file a lawsuit
Sweet Az Candey (1:44:16 PM): wtf is this crap
larzd99 (1:44:20 PM): what other fruit is in there?
Sweet Az Candey (1:44:22 PM): anne murray??
Sweet Az Candey (1:44:24 PM): NO!
Sweet Az Candey (1:44:40 PM): pineapple, strawberries, and kiwis
Sweet Az Candey (1:44:58 PM): I thought I was gonna lose a finger cutting that pineapple
Sweet Az Candey (1:45:03 PM): who knew they were such a bitch to chop up
Sweet Az Candey (1:45:26 PM): amadeus amadeus
larzd99 (1:45:26 PM): ya, they're a "hard" fruit -
Sweet Az Candey (1:45:37 PM): it's muthalovin Falco
larzd99 (1:45:37 PM): ROCK ME AMADEUS
Sweet Az Candey (1:45:44 PM): Too bad that guy died
larzd99 (1:45:58 PM): well it wasn't like he had a bunch of # 1's left in him
Sweet Az Candey (1:46:05 PM): you never know
Sweet Az Candey (1:46:09 PM): those germans are tricky
larzd99 (1:46:15 PM): you know it sista
Sweet Az Candey (1:46:41 PM): 1986
Sweet Az Candey (1:46:44 PM): Twas a good year.
larzd99 (1:46:49 PM): yes, twas
Sweet Az Candey (1:46:56 PM): let's see what's next
Sweet Az Candey (1:47:03 PM): I'm so excited
larzd99 (1:47:10 PM): ahh, the college years
larzd99 (1:47:12 PM): good times
Sweet Az Candey (1:47:25 PM): This song has been worn the hell out by bat mitzvahs and infomercials
Sweet Az Candey (1:47:26 PM): next.
Sweet Az Candey (1:47:39 PM): creed SUCKS
larzd99 (1:47:46 PM): yup
larzd99 (1:47:48 PM): agreed
Sweet Az Candey (1:48:07 PM): love hangover
Sweet Az Candey (1:48:09 PM): ....?
larzd99 (1:48:16 PM): did u see that pic of Pricilla Presley on Dlisted?
Sweet Az Candey (1:48:23 PM): makes me wanna put on rollerskates and do blow in the bathroom
larzd99 (1:48:30 PM): hahahahahah
Sweet Az Candey (1:48:32 PM): yeah she looks like a wax figurine
larzd99 (1:48:46 PM): exactly!! FRICKIN SCARY BITCH
Sweet Az Candey (1:48:50 PM): magic carpet ride
larzd99 (1:49:06 PM): that's an oldie but a goodie
Sweet Az Candey (1:49:27 PM): the Crystal Method remixed the song (left the audio track in it)
Sweet Az Candey (1:49:31 PM): and it's awesome
larzd99 (1:49:43 PM): never heard of it
Sweet Az Candey (1:50:18 PM): Lite Hits
Sweet Az Candey (1:50:19 PM): hahaha
Sweet Az Candey (1:50:23 PM): gay gay gay.
Sweet Az Candey (1:50:27 PM): it's john secada
Sweet Az Candey (1:50:33 PM): it's like sitting in a waiting room
larzd99 (1:50:35 PM): hey I like some of that stuf
larzd99 (1:50:40 PM): not Secada tho
Sweet Az Candey (1:51:33 PM): wow I hit a real lull

larzd99 (1:51:37 PM): Gramma Mary wants me to go with her to see Celine Deon when she's in Portland in October
Sweet Az Candey (1:51:42 PM): EEW
larzd99 (1:51:54 PM): Iknow - I said I'd go, but only if she' paid for the ticket
Sweet Az Candey (1:51:56 PM): Hey Van Halen
larzd99 (1:52:02 PM): I wouldn't pay a plug nickel to see her
Sweet Az Candey (1:52:06 PM): Celine Dion is the queen of shitty elevator music
larzd99 (1:52:17 PM): yup - barfitty barf barf
Sweet Az Candey (1:52:38 PM): godsmack
larzd99 (1:52:53 PM): ehh
Sweet Az Candey (1:53:11 PM): Lamb of God
larzd99 (1:53:40 PM): what the hell is that?
Sweet Az Candey (1:54:33 PM): it's RARRRRRRRRRRRRr music

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